Age is just a number.... right?

I have a confession to make... I am a 20 something graduate and I have access to social media where I work. " The horror " I hear some of you cry! Others of you will think that it's perfectly natural to have someone young posting tweets, facebook posts and updating google+... to you I say thank you. To the aforementioned I say why?! Recently I have seen some people tweeting etc about having a your social media run by a graduate or leaving your social media to someone in their teens . Well guess what, we do actually know what we are talking about most of the time! Fair enough some people can go a little OTT on there... but majority of the time it's all good. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I am a "guru" or anything, but having grown up interacting with companies via social media I would say I am pretty savvy with what customers want. Right so rant over, I have just seen too many people posting this week on this subject and I couldn't ke...