Placement Year Students

It's getting to that time of year where students will be looking for a placement year as part of their degree. The pressure will be on, with the continual questions from everyone of "How's the job hunt going?" and "Have you got any interviews yet?". I've been there, done that, got the t-shirt. As if your second year at uni isn't hard enough without finding the time to do all of this too! The message here is twofold. To all students reading this: carry on with your search!! Don't give up looking... it's the best thing I ever did! My search carried on and I didn't secure a placement until the June to start in the July!! It's so worth it though and you can do it! Just set aside an hour or so each day to send those applications. And be open-minded about what you are applying for, you never know where it might lead! Then we come to employers - hello! Now some of you won't have entertained the thought of employing an int...