
Showing posts from March, 2019

Marketing without a budget...

When we look at marketing, depending on the size of the company you may not have a huge budget, or indeed a budget at all. I've put together a few top tips of "free" marketing activities you can trial for your company. Not saying these are going to work and have hundreds of leads knocking on your door, but maybe it will help in some way. 1. Social media - your new best friend Setting up social media pages is free, you can build your audience, get social by interacting and BINGO! Build your brand awareness, contact list and promote your products and services - all for free! Plus you can utilise a platform like Hootsuite to schedule posts. 2. Press releases - Read all about it! If you don't have an in-house PR team or access to a PR agency why not write your own press releases? This can be fairly time consuming but it's great brand exposure. Start with the local press and then work up to trade. Granted, this only works a couple of times before they want you to...

International Women's Day 2019

March 8th is International Women's Day, time to celebrate women all over the world (which should be done every day anyway!) The official theme this year is #BalanceforBetter. I am a huge believer in equality and balance so this day is a big passion for me! Plus... this years charity of choice is The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (If you don't already know I run a Girl Guides group). Whilst we focus on equality we also need women to support each other and encourage one another. It's so important. If Meangirls taught us anything it's that we need to be promoting each other, so everyone else follows suit. Stand tall and stand up for what you believe in!  As a side note, today is also the day I will be listening to Beyonce on repeat. Do not disturb.  Shout out time: To all the lovely ladies in my life, those who I am close to, those who I am never met in person, and those I haven't seen for years. You are all amazing and rocking it. I am so...