Give an undergrad a chance?

So I am very lucky in that I got a placement year whilst at uni as part of my sandwich degree which (I think) has played a crucial part in me getting my graduate job. I worked for a year in a marketing department and get a wealth of experience, which set me up for my final year at uni.

Alongside this I got additional work experience on the client side, with Orange Juice Communications, so that I was heading back to uni with a better understanding of both and also some direction for when it came to applying for graduate roles. These both aided my knowledge for final year projects too!

I guess the point of this blog is to beg you to give someone who is in the same position I was a chance.... I know how valuable this experience is and I cannot encourage you enough to take someone on and share your knowledge with them! I'm not saying it has to be a year long thing (although that would be incredible!) but a week or so would provide someone with so much! 

Have a think about it! And if you have any questions please let me know and I will be happy to help!


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