Officially in love...

Hands up if you are in love with Monty the Penguin! *Raises hands and jumps around*


This brought a tear to my eye and made me feel so Christmassy, I love it! Monty finding his true love is perfect, what a brilliant advert! Congratulations John Lewis, and hats off to Adam&Eve/DDB for producing such a corker!

Tom Odell also had an impact on me falling in love with this, what a beautiful cover of John Lennon's Real Love. Mwah Tom, you little beauty. (Side note: Go and see Tom if you can, suchhh a good act live!)

So after going to MK yesterday and heading to John Lewis in search of a soft toy version of Monty I was greeted with empty shelves - HEARTBROKEN! The advert has taken off to much that they had sold out in a matter of hours!


Today my fabulous friend James got me a present, so here is Monty (the cat) with Mabel (the penguin) 

Real Love.

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