Keeping up with it all...

So as I am typing this my laptop sounds like it's about to give up on life and head to the moon... Think it might be time for a new one, sob. (Recommendations welcome but I am on a budget!)

This week seems to have been a busy one but it's flown by! I've started properly running in preparation for Race for Life in June, which I'm fairly surprise at because I am enjoying it! It's a great way to sweat away the day and collect your thoughts... Minus the twisted ankle I am now nursing with a bag of frozen peas! Ouch!

So marketing wise, today I am talking qualifications. My career and learning is very important to me, and I want to further my knowledge through additional qualifications, be that in 6 months time or a few years down the line. But there seem to be so many to choose from it's hard to know which is the "best" one to go with. Bearing in mind the cost, time, etc. that goes into all of these.

The options so far that I have looked into/heard about include: CIM, IDM, Google Qualifications, Online qualifications and a few other randoms.

My question to all the marketers out there is which of these would you recommend? Which are widely recognised? How do you keep your knowledge of marketing trends up to date? Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated :)

Danke, Merci and thank you.

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Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer.


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