
Showing posts from January, 2016

In a perfect world...

This is an issue which has been in the media recently - the link between social media and loneliness. Yes, I know, the two don't seem like they would go hand in hand... Childline highlighted the issue amongst young people, but I definitely think it reaches out to an older generation as well. So you have hundreds of followers and friends on social media - great! But in reality what are you actually communicating out to them? Social media makes us all portray the "perfect life" - beautiful pictures, designer clothes, the high-flying lifestyle. Goodness knows that I am 100% falling into this category. We are all caught up in the social media bubble, which can lead to people being lonely an not actually interacting with people, or being desperate to get comments, likes etc. Come on guys, let's be honest here... I mean I am sat in my onesie, no make up on and my hair scraped back... and people still get a snapchat of me looking like that! Your real friends will love ...

The January Blues

We are six days into January and we have made it to Wednesday of the first week back at work, give yourself a pat on the back! *small applause* So are we all surviving? The conversations of Christmas and New Year are starting to die down and there's no longer the smell of cheese lingering around the fridge. This is it guys... the January Blues are coming. Brace yourselves. But never fear! The Chick is here. I've come up with a few ideas of things to get us through this terrible time that is January... 1. Consume your body weight in tea. But hey, let's mix it up (espeically if you've started your New Year diet). Why not try some different herbal teas - Peppermint, Ginger, Green, Lemon, Berries.. there's an endless possibility of teas out there. Sorry Coffee drinkers, you're on your own. 2. Get outside. Breathe in the fresh air. Get some mud on your boots and feel the chill. We spend all day inside, well most of us do, so get out there. Lunchtime walk...

2016 is here...

It's official. I've eaten too much, drank too much, indulged in too much cheese and barely been out running. But that's what Christmas is all about so hey ho... Did everyone have a good Christmas? I had a cracking one - filled with loads of presents, laughter and lovely country walks! I love the time spent with family, that's the most important thing to me at Christmas time. We all get some time off work/uni and get to chill out together, playing games etc.  2016 is here - hurrah. Happy New Year to you all, hope you had a great time celebrating!  So this year I haven't written any New Year's resolutions as such, but I have written down things that I want to achieve this year. Anyone else got any resolutions or big plans? One of my plans is to actually blog.. which I will do. Yes. Come on. There's so much I have planned for 2016, although I am hoping to just go with the flow and live for today. So far (one day in) it's going well! Right, I am of...