The January Blues

We are six days into January and we have made it to Wednesday of the first week back at work, give yourself a pat on the back! *small applause* So are we all surviving? The conversations of Christmas and New Year are starting to die down and there's no longer the smell of cheese lingering around the fridge. This is it guys... the January Blues are coming. Brace yourselves.

But never fear! The Chick is here. I've come up with a few ideas of things to get us through this terrible time that is January...

1. Consume your body weight in tea. But hey, let's mix it up (espeically if you've started your New Year diet). Why not try some different herbal teas - Peppermint, Ginger, Green, Lemon, Berries.. there's an endless possibility of teas out there. Sorry Coffee drinkers, you're on your own.

2. Get outside. Breathe in the fresh air. Get some mud on your boots and feel the chill. We spend all day inside, well most of us do, so get out there. Lunchtime walks, after work jogs, weekend rambles... Just get outside and enjoy the countryside! There's so much to see, it's free and it's healthy. BONUS! There's loads of walks you can Google, and a quick power walk at lunchtime never hurt anyone (yes, you may be a little sweaty for the afternoon, so pop some deodorant in your car!)

3. Plan a holiday. Or something for the next few months. Have something to look forward to! YOU WILL GET THROUGH JANUARY! I have a weekend in Liverpool planned for February and that will be my focus! Then I'm looking for flights to Dubai and a girls holiday to Spain. Forget Bring on the Branston, Bring on the Sunshine! But hey, it doesn't have to be a holiday, just something to look forward to!

4. Give up your time. I mean, let's be honest, payday seems like YEARS away and you don't actually have a lot on in January, do you? I see you trying to think of excuses but COME ON! Why not give up an hour or two and do something for someone else? Raise some money for charity, volunteer, give up your time, do something for someone else. Then you're not only doing something great for your community/those in need but you'll also get a little kick of "oh well done me". I give up at least 2 and a half hours a week and it feels really good to be giving something back to the world. You can do it.

5. And finally... why not do something so simple? Smile at people. Make them a cuppa. Listen to them moan about the weather. Do anything to make others smile and laugh. Live for today people!

And with that, I wish you luck in getting through January. Feel free to share any other ideas.

Ciao Amigos.

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Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer


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