Volunteer Week

So this week is Volunteers Week - it's been trending on Twitter today as we see the start of June marking a week of celebrating volunteers. The aim of this is to celebrate those who currently volunteer, as well as encouraging more people to give up their time for a worthy cause.

Volunteering is something I have done since I was 15, and is something I feel strongly about. When I was 15 I started to volunteer as a young leader at my local Rainbows (if you don't know what that is, it's like Brownies for 5-7 year olds). Then I got the opportunity to go to Mongolia as part of World Challenge Expedition in 2008. This provided the once in a lifetime opportunity to do some charity work in a school in outer Mongolia - we painter, lay flooring, fixed up odd jobs in the kitchen. It was a truly great experience and I am very lucky to have gone.

Currently, I volunteer every week by running my local Girl Guides group. We meet once a week and do a wide variety of activities. They all have great fun and I find it really rewarding to give something back to the local community.

Anyone can volunteer, and I would encourage everyone to do some form of volunteering at least once in their life. It doesn't have to be every week, everyone appreciates that life get's in the way and there are other commitments. I manage around 4 hours every week alongside a full time job...! Even if you only give up a couple of hours, it's still totally worth it! There are so many opportunities and it provides people, animals and all sorts with chances that they may not have without people giving up their time to help out!


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Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer


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