Take two

So it's been a while... But I am back! There's a lot of blogs in the pipeline, so watch this space. A few marketing, advertising, personal and all sorts going on.

But here's a short blog to let you know what's been going on with me since my last blog...

So much, where to start. Promotion. Holiday. Sleeping. Wild times! But in all seriousness, I'm been so busy hence why the blogging has been serious slack.

The summer has been so busy, but so brilliant. We had a little family holiday to Bergerac, in France. It was a lovely break, and so needed to just catch up on some chilled time. Sun, wine and cheese... safe to say Slimming World is back on now!

But hey, enough about me, what's everyone else been up to? Comment below or get social with me!

Lets get social! Get tweeting or LinkedIn or even Insta - helenc91

Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer


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