Feeling Festive?
With so much doom and gloom recently the media seems to be more Eyore than ever before! But never fear, the C word is (nearly) here!
Over the past week or so most of the major retailers have provided us with the excitement of their festive ads! Ho ho ho (where's the prosecco?!) So on a happy not let's take a look at them shall we...
First up, John Lewis. The anticipation was intense. How were they going to top last year? Well here we have the answer... Meet Buster the Boxer - watch the ad here. Now, hear me out here - but I now think that the John Lewis advert has more impact than the Coca-Cola ad?! When the email dropped into my inbox announcing John Lewis had released their ad I was on to the link straight away, cranking the volume and waiting for the Christmas feels to hit. And boy did they deliver. On a related side note... If you aren't sick of the election etc. take a look at the parody ad here.
Keeping on the department store/clothing theme, naturally we need to talk about Mrs Claus. Marks and Spencer's have taken the North Pole from a whole new angle and I LOVE IT. If you haven't already seen it, check out the ad here. Whilst Santa is off doing his thing, we follow the journey of Mrs Claus on Christmas Eve with a last minute letter and my goodness this advert is full sass. Putting a female at the heart of a Christmas gift, snaps for M&S, bravo. Debenhams and House of Fraser have also brought out their ads. House of Fraser makes me want to dance - pure and simple happiness to me!
Right, next up let's take a look at the supermarkets. Discover the gift of time with the beautiful voice of James Corden and Sainsburys - even better with this, when you buy Dave the Gingerbread in store, the profits go to GOSH so get stuffing your face with gingerbread! Waitrose follows a robin heading to find the perfect mince pie... Whilst Aldi brings us the adventures of Kevin the carrot, with boarder line elements of Sausage Party? (let me know if you agree!)
And finally, another personal favourite - Boots. Here we throw the unsung heroines into the limelight. What a magical thought this Christmas hey.
So sit back, grab a cuppa and enjoy ladies and gents... only joking, you better get cracking on the shopping! Good luck! ;)
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Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer
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