New Year. New Me.

Lol jokes. Last year was fabulous so let's just keep going.

Christmas was good... Lots of cheese and wine - yum. Great time with the family, playing games and catching up with people. Lovely jubbly. Then for New Year the uni girls and I hit Amsterdam... Best New Years Eve ever. So so much fun but my jolly was it tiring! Ticked spending new year in another country off my 30 before 30 list though!

So what's new...? Welcome welcome to 2017. This year I am going to blog more - I know, I know, I say this EVERY YEAR... but I am honestly attempting to blog more in 2017. There's more to talk about, and it's time I penned it all down (typed). So expect more posts, but maybe slightly varied... not all marketing and social media... more about me and what's going on throughout 2017 including travel, my new years goals, the 30 before 30 list and many more exciting adventures!

I am definitely ready to take 2017 in my stride and achieve some personal goals! Anyone else got any resolutions, goals or anything exciting going on in 2017? Let me know, sharing is caring!

Be back soon amigos

Lets get social! Get tweeting or LinkedIn or even Insta - helenc91

Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer


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