Hello, it's me.
I know it's been forever and a day since I last wrote on here but I have been a busy little bee and life has just got in the way. SO much has happened, all exciting though, so let me catch you up.
The 30before30 list is going strong, I've managed to tick a fair few things off and more are in the planning stages!
Completed so far:
- Spending New Year in another country
- Trying a National Dish
- Go to the Sky Garden for cocktails
Planning stages:
- Run a marathon - In a moment of madness my application for the London marathon is in, got to wait till October to find out!
- Buy a house
- Rewatch every episode of Friends - Season 10 to go!
Let's see, what else has happened... I've flown from one marketing nest to another as the Marketing Chick (punny) which is very exciting. My best friend got engaged (major yay moment in my life). I have started reading and getting my inner bookworm back on track, likewise the running has started up again (see aforementioned marathon madness).
Recent travels have included a week in Budapest with Lewis (oh yes, there is officially a man in my life now and he makes me feel warm and fuzzy and I think I am making people sick with my gooeyness waffle waffle waffle...) but back to Budapest. I LOVED IT. I mean, it rained the whole time we were there but my goodness that city is beautiful. Museums (due to rain), markets, the river, long walks, the palace, the ruin bars - fave - were all absolutely incredible. Highly recommend it! I'm busy planning a week away with the little chick for the summer in Italy so hit me up with any recommendations.
Anyhoooo, I waffle on so much, are you still awake? I'm not, so bedtime for me... aka staring at my phone for a few hours.
Ciao x
Lets get social! Get tweeting or LinkedIn or even Insta - helenc91
Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer
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