Social turns antisocial

Recently I have seen a few scary posts on social media. Things like "We used to say BRB, but now we are always connected". Seriously made me think. This has changed even in my lifetime. Yes, we are all connected, but at the same time how antisocial have we all become?!

Majority of us sit behind a keyboard all day at work, the come home and sit on our phones, tablets and laptops. Social media has led to society being the exact opposite of the word social. There's less and less face to face interaction, and even phone calls! Recently I've been calling some of my friends to catch up with them and have a proper conversation! There is only so much someone can say over snapchat, Facebook and Twitter. It's really sad.

We need to be more proactive before social media becomes all-consuming. Take days off, enjoy time with our family and friends. Let's be honest, social media is full of absolute rubbish these days anyway (ding ding, future blog to follow!)

What do you think? Is social media making us more antisocial than ever before?

Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer


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