Christmas is coming...

It's been a while... again! Life had got in the way and a lot has happened since my last post. I am another year older, and maybe slightly wiser; new pad for the Chick-King family which is lush and then the nightmare of Christmas seems to have taken over! Absolutely convinced that Christmas is getting earlier and earlier each year, or maybe it's just me getting older? Really need to get my act together with the Christmas shopping though...

On that note, here we are in the middle of November and by now all major supermarkets, retailers and online services have put the fear of Christmas into us all by releasing their festive adverts. Personally, this is one of the highlights in the run up to Christmas, so I've put together my top reviews of some of my favourite ads so far...

Number one spot definitely goes to Marks and Spencer's - I LOVE Paddington, so hands down this is a winner! If you've not seen it and not already in love with this bear, then definitely watch this advert right now. Or you know, if your day isn't going too well, then this might cheer you up!

Next up is the much awaited John Lewis advert, the hype was there... but did they deliver? In my opinion yes, however to many it didn't quite work. Not seen Moz the Monster...? Check it out here.

The surprise one this year is Sky Cinema, which I first saw in the cinema and it got me... Christmas through the generations, with Julie Andrews singing out THE HILLS ARE ALIVE, it's what I hope my family will continue to be like too.. It's great. It works. Well done Sky. Take a look here

What do you think? What's your favourite Christmas ad?


  1. Love this. Though Sky Cinema is my winner this year.


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