International Women's Day 2018

What a hot topic! It's taken me a while to decide on the angle of this blog post - what to talk about, who to include etc. With the on-going media coverage on subjects like the MeToo campaign and pay equality, there's so much to talk about and focus on this International Women's Day 2018.

Now for those of you who don't know me, I am a big believer in gender equality and supporting woman in business, especially working mothers and the stigma of pregnancy in the workplace. The theme of IWD 2018 is #pressforprogress - with gender equality at the heart of the campaign. Find out more here. 

Anyway, back to today and this post... I've decided to take the opportunity to celebrate the women in my life. They inspire, encourage, support and drive me.

Family - Mum, My sister, My Aunts, Second Family, In-laws. Everyone single one of these ladies have influenced me in one way or another.

Friends - The girls. My therapists, holder of all the secrets. They've stuck with me through thick and thin.

Colleagues - My career has thrown me together with some incredible ladies, who've taught me so much and I am so lucky to call them my friends.

Beyonce - Need I say more? QUEEN BEY.

So to all the ladies who read this, HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY. Well done for inspiring other women, let's make 2018 one to remember.

Disclaimer: This blog does not represent the thoughts or opinions of my employer.


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