Four months later...

So I haven't blogged since March... where has the time gone?! Life is so busy, but so good, and sadly my blog has taken the backseat in it all! Hello again, if anyone is still there?

I have just published a marketing blog, so thought I would follow it up with a personal one to catch you up with everything that's going on too.

Life is good, life is busy. We are in the process of making some big decisions in the Chick-King household... watch this space. And what is with this heat? I LOVE IT. Summery nights, Gin, warmth. So good. Not enjoying the sleepless nights though, so we purchased a fan. Top notch choice. We've recently been to Sardinia for a week of sun, cocktails and to chill. Best week! Work hard, but definitely need a week/few days here and there to just switch off, relax and come back refreshed. It allows time to put everything into perspective and focus on family. Highly recommended.

Whilst on my holibobs I read an incredible book called #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso. ABSOLUTE BOSS! If you haven't heard of Sophia, you need to. This book has impacted my life so much. Go read it. Now. Go!

Recently I have just got back into Twitter, loving life one tweet at a time. The interaction isn't what it used to be, but a little #FF last week was exciting. And I have unlocked my account for now, so the world can see! LinkedIn has fast become my favourite social media platform, so much going on, so many connections to make. It's great. I used to check Facebook first thing in the morning over a Yorkshire tea, but that's been overtaken by LinkedIn, followed by Instagram (love/hate relationship with Insta, whole different topic!). Anyone else loving LinkedIn at the mo?

I am also working on the 30 before 30 list, update to follow! Time is ticking and there's still so much to do!

Anyway, just a lil' update from me. I will allocate more time to my blog, the summer is just a busy time!


Disclaimer: This blog does not reflect the thoughts and opinions of my employer.


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