Investing in yourself

So I have got my degree and established my career, but there is always time to keep on investing in yourself more and more.

This is all part of my 30 before 30 list, so it's pretty open to interpretation, but I have a small list of what I want to do and achieve, and how to do this. This is my focus for next year:

  • Additional qualifications, training and skill building - at the moment I'm not too sure what this will be, but I am definitely going to get something organised for 2019. I absolutely love learning and expanding my knowledge. 
  • Time to myself & time with my family, friends and partner - We spend more time at work than we do with those we love, so I am going to make more time to see everyone.
  • Looking after my mental health - Technology plays a big part in this, spending time away from my laptop and phone to enjoy other things in life. Also not comparing myself to others. In a digital age it can be tricky!
  • Doing more of what I enjoy - I love to read, blog and research things, so definitely more of doing that.

How would you/do you/have you invested in yourself?

I am going to do a little update on my 30 before 30 list soon too, so watch this space! 

Disclaimer: This blog does not represent the thoughts or opinions of my employer.


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