Christmas Adverts 2018

If you've been following my blog for over 12 months you will know I love to do a little review of Christmas adverts each year. December is here, the ads are out. So here we go for 2018....

John Lewis
Let's start with the biggie. Not going to lie, I was a little underwhelmed this year... For me, it's not the Coca-Cola lorry that starts off Christmas, its the much-awaited John Lewis advert! Don't get me wrong, the message is sweet and Elton John is amazing, but bring back Monty and Mable!

Kevin the Carrot is back! I like that they've returned with Kevin, building on the story and appealing to the whole family. Plus with references to other retailer ads along the way!

Now, either the marcomms team are super duper clever, or this was pure fluke... The 'banned' ad telling the story of an Orangutan has received more views and publicity than any other Christmas advert. Well played Iceland, well played. An emotional, current and powerful message we all need to listen to.

THE PLUG. Need I say more?

For me, this is more no no no than ho ho ho... A scream-esqe santa mask is not the way to engage with me!

I absolutely love M&S, from food to clothing and also perfect for all my present shopping! M&S have increased their number of Instagram influencers recently, which I assume is on the back of their new brand ambassador. Holly is EVERYWHERE. Whilst I like the advert (Hello David Gandy), I still feel M&S haven't quite got their target audience sussed.

And finally... Waitrose.
The tie between Waitrose and JL is brilliant! If you've not seen it, check it out here. Oh, and they love the penguins too!

I'd love to hear what you think about this year's array of Christmas adverts. Which do you love, which do you hate? Let me know!

Disclaimer: This blog does not represent the thoughts or opinions of my employer. 


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