Beat the January Blues....

Christmas and New Years seem like a distant memory. We're all back at work and back into the daily routines. With the colder weather on it's way, coupled with dark mornings and nights, it's safe to say the January blues are here. With all the excitement of Christmas over, lots of people experience the ol' January blues and I am definitely one of them!

To help combat the blues, here's what I am doing this year to keep upbeat:

- Exercise & fitness: check out the RED campaign being run by mind charity. I’ve been to the gym, for walks and running. Aiming to get my fitness levels back up!
- Downtime - phone down: Phones are the best and also the worst. I’ve started to put my phone down and I’m reading instead. Good for the soul! 
- Holiday planning: Always fun in January to have something for to look forward to and plan for!
- Hydrate: Drinking lots of water is working well for me to keep my hydration levels up!
Plus I’m doing dry January!

In preparing to write this blog I asked my wonderful LinkedIn connections what they do to beat the January blues, here's the top tips:

- Plan trips & holidays: love this suggestion to get a few things planned in the old diary to look forward to throughout the rest of the year. 
- Get out & about: seeing nature as it should be, popping the phones down and getting out into the fresh air!
- Eat healthily: New Year is the perfect time to detox after Christmas and enjoy healthy foods. 
- Throw yourself into your work: get back into it following the Christmas break!

What are your top tips? I'd love to hear them!

Disclaimer: This blog does not reflect the thoughts and opinions of my employer. 


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