Personalisation of Marketing...

We get bombarded with marketing and advertising every single day across multiple channels. There's arguments for and against each of these platforms and the ROI. However, in this blog post I am focusing into the effectiveness of personalising the key marketing message.

We are looking at going beyond the personalisation of "Hey Helen" to much deeper understanding of your customer's buying trends, interests and hobbies. Do they prefer cats or dogs? Which brands are they connecting with? When was the last time they shopped with you?

Data is king...

To achieve effective and successful personalised campaigns you'll need a comprehensive CRM and data set. Here, data really is king! Of course you can collate data in a B2C environment with loyalty cards/store points and you are on to a winner for personalisation. This enables you to analyse buying patterns, shopping habits and much more. Birthday offers, anniversary offers, you name it! If you think about it, it's actually pretty scary how much data each company has about each of us!

B2C personalisation means you can really connect with your customers. Sending birthday offers is one thing that really grabs my attention - whilst I know it's all automated, it's nice to feel the love! Gentle reminders are also a great way to connect with your customers, for example, it's been a year since you last looked a car insurance comparisons so here's some great deals... "Ah yes, I need to get my car insurance!".

B2C personalisation of marketing is arguably easier than B2B, with more data readily available.

However, when we look at a B2B environment it isn't always as clearly defined. Here, having a great CRM helps to collate information on customers, prospects and competitors. Developing a full understanding of what products or services each contact may use is the first point of call, a lengthy process but one that can be invaluable later down the line. Identifying key industry and market trends can be key here, recording any trends and using them to personalise your marketing message.

For email marketing in a B2B organisation, sending follow up emails to those who have clicked is one great way to show you care about your customers and prospects. Offering top tips and advise that is tailored to their industry requirements can lead to a conversation starter. 

Social Media Info...

For personalisation in B2B markets, LinkedIn can become your new best friend. Making connections, seeing what they're talking about, what are their interests? Finding that one nugget of information can result in you being able to provide a personalised message that really grabs their attention. 

Likewise in B2C, connection and interacting with your customers is key. Customers expect that instant connection with brands, telling them they love or hate their products and services. Responding to all messages will make you go far. Hello social comms teams!

If you have a budget....

If you're lucky enough to have a super duper marketing budget to put behind customer service/retention/conversion then listen up! (For those without, I'm sorry, we can all dream big!)

Sending out personalised post is by far the biggest win in my book. If you can do this, and get it right, you will reap the rewards. Excellent examples include sending bespoke offers, differing images based on personal interests, timings of offers (e.g. Birthdays and Anniversaries), etc. 

Obviously to achieve this you need a significant budget and resource, so it's not for everyone!

I could go on and on about this, it's something I am very passionate about and really believe is important in your customer retention strategy, especially for B2C marketing! Have you experienced a great example of brands doing this? I would love to hear! Comment below!

Disclaimer: This blog does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of my employer.


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