Take two. A little re-introduction...

Why hello there!

It's been over two years since my last post on here, and my goodness a lot has happened in that time. Let's get reacquainted!

Hi, I'm Helen 👋

I work in marketing, love being a social butterfly and am a self-confessed crazy cat lady. The past two years have been so tough with lockdowns, getting used to WFH and all the other things we had to adapt to. There's so much to catch up on from the "missed year", but now is the time!

So the main change over the past couple of years is that I got married, exciting! Honestly the best day ever. I'm not going to bore you with all the details but my goodness what a day with my new husband!

In March 2020, we took on an allotment plot. So much fun. We've completed our first crop rotation - potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. I cannot explain how much I love it, getting some fresh air and seeing all our hard work grow is so rewarding. It's time to start the next lot of veggies soon and I can't wait! I'm documenting it all on Instagram and it's so lovely to be able to look back and see how much we have achieved.

Now I am in the last month of my 20s, and have so much planned for the coming months. I'll be honest that I think this blog will just be me waffling on about all sorts, so if you fancy a little read then please join and get involved! There's no real structure here and I love to just talk about what's on my mind. There's so many blogs out there and no real niche for me!

Anyway, here we are with a life update. Want to catch up? Let's chat! Add me on LinkedIn or follow me on Twitter.

Disclaimer: This blog does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of my employer.


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