The Little Chick turns 21

My baby sister is officially 21!

We've had a fabulous weekend in London celebrating... SO much cake was consumed, but it was 100% worth it! I'm going a bit personal with this post, a whistle stop of my weekend, along with a couple of reviews of the places we went to.

Friday we enjoyed Afternoon Tea at Madd Hatters, which was lovely. Consisting of brownies, millionaires shortbread, teacakes, savory bites, Rooibos tea and an Oreo cupcake. Spot on!


Then we headed off to the Roadhouse in Covent Garden for a night of music, cocktails and dancing. A fabulous night out, live music is right up my street! 

Saturday, along with ringing ears, we headed to Borough Market, the off to Tea and Tattle - even MORE cake! It was a brilliant weekend though!

I can't believe the little one is 21 though, she's my world and my twin (just a few years apart!)

Happy Birthday to my sister!

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