Introducing Emma...


So it has been a crazy few weeks, lots has happened! I have now been a graduate for 3 months, can you believe it?! It seems so strange not to be going back to uni this year - my little sister went back to London yesterday, made me slightly sad that it's all over for me!

But.... I passed my probation period at work so I am one extremely happy Chick! Cups of tea all round!

Right so this blog post doesn't exactly have a clear theme but bear with me...! 

My lovely friend Emma is currently looking for work experience in Northampton within a marketing related role, as she is keen to kick start her career! If you would like to give her an opportunity, a few days or a week, then please (flutters eyelashes) get in contact! You can check out her LinkedIn here and Twitter here. I am so grateful to those who gave me a chance, so I beg someone to do the same for someone else :D

I will be back with a better blog post soon! Lots on!

Lets get social! Get tweeting or LinkedIn

Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer.


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