Photos galore!

I am back from my fabulous holiday in Croatia and I am ready to take on the world! A holiday was exactly what I needed and now I am feeling fresh!

How crazy is it that October is going to be with us next week?! I have now been working for 5 months and the time has absolutely flown by, I never believed people when they said it will go by in the blink of an eye but it really does! I am so lucky that I absolutely love my job!

So October is a very busy one for me and I think the month will be over before I know it - going to make the most of it though! I am trying to think of a few blog topics to get stuck into so that i have material for October, otherwise it will be silence from me!

Now back to the holiday... my question is whether anyone uses Flickr or any other photo sharing site and if so, which would you recommend? Or would you advise against them? I took hundreds of photos and am not sure what to do with them (I've already bombarded my Facebook friends with all the snaps!) 

Let me know!

Lets get social! Get tweeting or LinkedIn

Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer.


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