True Beauty

This blog post is a little out the ordinary but stay with me! Having studied for 4 years at uni and worked for just over a year I would say that my understanding of marketing is still continuing to develop. However, there is one key element which has stuck with me throughout theory and practice - and that is sexiness sells.

We've all seen it... Flawless women, Men who look like they belong on muscle beach...

And I get it, having studied marketing/advertising I get that everyone wants to aspire to be like these beautiful, photoshopped men and women... I know I do!

But... and it's a big butt (puny)...
I hate the impact this is having on people (especially girls) so my blog this week is to beg you to believe in real beauty....

The Dove "Real Beauty" campaign has to be one of the best advertising campaigns I have seen, these women are 100% real with no photoshop and they are stunning!

Even if this only impacts one persons life then that's an achievement to me! Everyone should believe they are beautiful, both women and men. Don't let the media and advertising get to you!


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