It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Not to panic anyone but CHRISTMAS IS LESS THAN TWO WEEKS AWAY!!!!!

Compose yourself.

Anyone else struggling with the Christmas shopping this year? I feel like I have left everything far too late, everyone else has been doing their Christmas shopping since October and me, well I started 2 weeks ago (aka still desperately online shopping now). How are we meant to know what to buy people? Short of buying things solely from a list I have no ideas for anyone this year!

But I am looking forward to Christmas (just not the shopping), here's my run down of the top things this Chick loves at Christmas time:

1. Spending time with the family

2. Singing Christmas carols

3. Drinking... Mulled wine, tea, Malibu, I love it all!

4. FOOD. Enough said.

5. Presents - I prefer giving them and seeing peoples reactions!

6. Snow... I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

7. Christmas films - Elf, The Holiday, Love Actually, etc.

8. Christmas Jumpers/Festive wear

9. Boxing Day... Its my second Christmas Day!

10. The New Year and New Beginnings...

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Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer.


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