Goodbye 2014...

We are getting to the end of 2014 so I thought I would take a few moments to reflect on the year and share these with you. A lot has happened in 2014 for me, with a hell of a lot of changes but I cannot believe how happy I am am, so here we go...

1. Final year at Uni/Graduating
Well this was a roller-coaster and a half but I did it! Final year has been and gone, my time at Hallam is officially over (sob) and I have recently celebrated my graduation. I cannot thank my family and friends (especially Anna and Cact) for helping me through this year, the laughter, the uncontrollable sobbing, the late night library sessions and the ghost in our apartment. It was a tough year but so so so good.

2. Entering the "REAL WORLD"
I am so so so lucky to have landed myself an incredible job with a fabulous company and the best team I could ever ask for. I LOVE MY JOB. I even love Mondays... I know, right? So good! 7 months in and I am one happy Chick!

3. Shrunk
With a hell of a lot of willpower, and the help of Slimming World, I have dropped 3 dress sizes and shed a load of weight. BOOM. Happy days for the Chick.

4. Met some incredible new people
Through all sorts of different life events I have met some amazing people. My new buddie Ross deserves the biggest mention ❤️ And the lovely guys and gals I went on training with in Germany! I am so blessed with opportunities to make new friends and meet people from all over the world.

5. Moved house (a few times)
Possibly the less said about this the better... But shout out to my dad for helping me so much! Man with a van would be a career move if needed...!

And there we go... That's 2014 done! I am so ready for what 2015 brings/throws at me! Bring it on!

I'm going to set myself goals instead of New Years resolutions... They will be coming your way soon!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

Lets get social! Get tweeting or LinkedIn

Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer.


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