Oh Hello 2015...

Well here it is... 2015. Welcome, welcome and a Happy New Year to you.

Yes, I know that I am posting this pretty soon into the New Year, but I figured you will all be fully of minced pies, possibly consumed a little too much alcohol and have had your mind numbed by Christmas TV... So here we are reading something fresh to get you excited for 2015 - hopefully.

So this year I have decided I am not going to set New Year's Resolutions...I have experienced how much things can change in one day, let alone in 12 months, so this year I am setting myself goals/a bucket list for 2015. If anyone wants to help me achieve these, fancies an adventure, is up for a challenge, or just wants a laugh please let me know...

1. Lose a stone and tone up
2014 has seen me lose 3 stone, drop nearly 3 dress sizes and completely changed my body confidence. This year I am heading back to Slimming World with the aim of losing another stone and joining a gym to tone up...

2. A weekend in Berlin
It's beautiful in Berlin and I plan a weekend there... Need I say more?

3. Spend more time with my family
My family mean the world to me, so 2015 is going to be the year of spending more time with them, visiting them and making sure I am there for everyone just as they were here for me.

4. Excel in my career
Pffft... Obvious.

5. Visit each of my girlies
Each of my uni girlies are going to get a visit from the Chick this year, so girlies you better prepare yourself!

6. Go to the Wolf on Sheep Street
This sounds INCREDIBLE... but this is definitely one that I need someone to help me out with (you must like rock music)

7. Spend the day in London as a tourist
Eye. Museums. Tower. Camden. Covent Gardens. Photos. Silly Hats. The lot.

8. Go to the German Markets
Having been to two before I think it is time to go again...Christmas 2015 may be a long way away but I am going to try!

9. Develop better German language skills
Personal Tutor. Ja!

10. Save up 5% of a house deposit
The dream house is out there waiting for me, and I am planning on getting a hell of a lot closer to it this year!

There is the top 10... there's a few more that I am going to keep under wraps, but they are on the list!

Lets get social! Get tweeting or LinkedIn

Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer.


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