
Right so Easter Bank Holiday weekend has been and gone... and what a weekend it's been. Wonderful, truly wonderful.

Friday was spent in the Cotswolds - visiting several places, lovely walks, shops, lunch and time spent with my parents. Perfect. The weather was lush, the villages are beautiful (even if it does look like a setting for Midsommer Murders). If you've never been here before, you really need to take a drive on a sunny day. Saturday evening I joined all the lovelies I met whilst on my placement year and celebrated a 30th Birthday... dressed as Wonder Woman! Cringe. Photos are on Insta. Sunday was a classic family day, big get together and roast dinner. Perfect.

Along with Easter we get the Spring time, a time of changes and new beginnings. This has really got me thinking this year about all the new beginnings I have had over the past 2 years since finishing uni. It makes me grateful for all that I have, and realise all the positives in my life at the moment.

So this Spring I am going to try to look for other changes and new beginnings, by trying new things and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I have a half marathon coming up in May which is going to be a great test of this!

Anyway, just a short blog today, there's a fair few in the pipeline so watch this space. Plus I have a new laptop after my old one decided to die on me!

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Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer


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