International Women's Day

Tuesday 8th March is International Women's Day.  

International Women's Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. (see the official website here) Time to celebrate women all over the world - as Queen B herself would say: Who run the world? Girls.

I would class myself as a feminist. My views are strong when it comes to equality between men and women. In recent years I have felt more empowered as a woman, I know how to hold my own and be strong on many different levels. Every day women across the globe are subject to inequality based purely on their gender and nothing else. It's time for this to stop, we're in the 21st Century! We are just as capable to do (almost) all the same things as a man is!

These are just my opinions though, so don't go reading too much into it all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, right?

Every day girls and women are exposed to what they should look like, how they should act, and the media plays a huge part in this. Don't fall for it ladies, be who you want to be! You're strong, and you can do anything.

Since finishing uni, I have become what I joking refer to as a Strong Independent Woman.
So, it's 2016. I live in a world where women are still treated so badly in certain areas and it's heartbreaking. We need to join together to stop it. Today take a moment to think about all the women in your life - your mothers, grandmothers, sisters, daughters... and those further away who may not live such a privileged life as you do. Stand together and unite. Stand up for equality.

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Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer


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