Travel Review: Amsterdam

First things first, I'm writing this with a mud face mask one - SEXY.

If you've read any previous blogs or you follow me on Insta/Twittter you'll know that my New Year resolutions included travelling and saying "Yes" to more things. Well, in the last couple of weeks I have definitely started to tick both of these off the list. 

The Circus of Horrors came to the Derngate in Northampton, and I said yes to going along (I wasn't entirely sure what I had said yes to...) Turns out it was actually a really good, albeit slightly odd night out! If you get the chance to go see this show, and maybe Google it beforehand... Then I would definitely recommend it!

Then.. I jetted off on a 40 min flight to Amsterdam! This was my fourth visit to my favourite city (so far), and before anyone gets in a flap, I'm not a "smoker". This was my first trip where people actually judged me fore not smoking (thanks guys). Anyway, despite that it was a great trip.

The Highlights...

Secrets of a Prostitute - I hadn't been to this before... but it was really really interesting. Lots of facts about prostitution in Amsterdam, it was fascinating to learn about! There are lots of things to do, a few risque things to try out... Well worth a visit!

Sex Museum - There may be a theme here... My third visit to this museum and it's still hilarious! If you go to Amsterdam, this is a must! Bargain entry fee of €4 with guaranteed giggles.

Amsterdam Dungeons - So, I may be letting the side down but I have never been to the London Dungeons! However, this was great, although it was slightly nerve wrecking...! (I am a wuss though!)

Heineken Experience - What started off a bit slow, turned out to be an absolutely brilliant tourist attraction! 2 pints included in the price, lots to do, engaging - well worth it! I'd recommend booking online to get a discount ticket!

Of course we did loads of other things there, but this is just a snapshot!

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Disclaimer: This blog reflects my own opinions, not those of my employer


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